The Ritual and magical art of Smudging
The art of smudging is an ancient and time honoured tradition that has been honoured and used throughout history dating back to ancient times in Egypt, and throughout indigenous cultures across the world.
Smudging has always had strong ties with spirits, angel guides and magic and has been shrouded in mystery. In some cultures smudging has always been known to protect and purify and also have strong ties with the phases of the moon.

As you know ancient folklores, relics and magic are all subjects that have strong ties to my upbringing and play a big part in the pieces created in my studio. Often times it feels like I am guided to create pieces from intuition and almost feel like being in a deep meditative state of creation.
Bringing the Ritual Smudge Kit to life has been a very important addition to our range bringing together the theme of relics and protection. The kit allows intention setting and renewal to take on an even deeper meaning with the physical act of lighting your smudge kit bringing in fire. As you smudge be mindful of your thoughts, important to maintain a positive mindset while smudging.
Our herb blend we have put together in our smudge sticks have deep historical significance on the indigenous American medicine wheel and brings together White Sage, Cedar and Sweetgrass more information on each of the specific herbs is here
Our herbs are locally grown tying in with keeping a low eco-footprint (which is a subject deep to my heart) from plants that have been loved over many years. The herbs are organically grown, handpicked, tied together tightly and dried with love these herbs represent slowing down and also South, North and West.
In the theme of old becoming new again it has also been great to see recent studies have shown that the art of smudging also assists in helping create a positive mindset and also has now been scientifically shown to clear airborne bacteria which is another reason to add smudging to your household cleaning routine especially if any nasty germs are lurking around.
By Smudging with our stick it is known to send you protection, positivity and renewal, attract angels and spirit guides to watch over and protect you and also bringing in the elements of earth, water and fire. We have teamed the smudge stick with a handmade and carved clay dish and feather for its ancient significance and as it works beautifully because it brings in the energy of Earth into a smudge ritual which goes well with herbs and is also fireproof to extinguish the smudge stick.